A downloadable game

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Not adults only, but still not for kids or sensitive people!

Release Date: 2025? (Screenshots are works in progress & will be updated.)

Demo coming soon! 

This game is a dark, corrupted, and twisted adult otome visual novel full of bad, brutal, and merciless ends. Can you finally find a happy ending? Pfft... good luck.

Optional Adults Only DLC (Free). There are no graphic sex scenes included by default in the main game.

This is a sequel? Do I need to play the first game?

While this game is a sequel to Particles of Reality: Obsession (a dark, adults-only game), playing Obsession is 100% optional. Included in this game is an abridged version of the over-arching story, with triggering content heavily toned down (not eliminated) and sexual content removed for the enjoyment of more mentally healthy audiences.

Series Information

You are the main character of multiple versions (aka Routes) of multiple clusters of reality (aka Worlds). The characters around you will always be the same people, but the worlds will vary wildly.

This game is the second World called "Remembrance". Each world is its own universe and unique story. It is a full and huge game all on its own.

Obsession & Remembrance plot lines are not related in any way. Only the Particles mystery & Ethereal beings connect them.

Game Summary

Obsession - Abridged: Lux recaps the events of her investigation with Quispe to the Head Councilor. She tells the story of a college student with an abusive family just trying to live a normal life... and failing. Failing so often and so dramatically that it seems suspicious... especially given these glitches in reality that seem to rewrite events to make things even worse. 

Also, there's this weird cat...

Particles: Continues from Obsession. Reality as we know it may be collapsing in on itself, because of one single human woman. The guardians of reality must investigate this matter urgently, determine the root cause, and either find a solution or destroy this segment of reality before things spiral out of control and the entire universe is destroyed! (Wtf have you done?!)

And why isn't the Head Councilor more concerned about this enormous danger...?

Uh... what?

There are meta-images in game that explain this stuff, but here's a quick overview.

The Ethereals are a race of space-beings created by The Three Ancestors (gods of existence) to protect reality & space-time.

Guardian Quispe observed an abnormality in his sector. He summoned Commander Lux, his superior, and together they investigated. Commander Lux was alarmed and reported the issue to her superior, The Head Councilor, who was strangely dismissive.

Power & Social Hierarchy of Ethereals (low to high):

  • Guardians (Quispe) - Monitors sectors of reality (grunt workers)
  • Commanders (Lux) - Oversees Guardians (middle management)
  • The Council of Seven - Lead by Head Councilor, enforces laws / protocols, resolves conflicts, manages Commanders
  • The Three Ascendants - Oversees The Council, manages the laws / protocols, raises issues to The Ancestors.
  • The Three Ancestors - Gods, creators of The Ethereals, space, time, & reality. They taught the Ethereals that all life is precious.

Remembrance: You are a paranormal scientist and have just landed your dream job at a secret government-funded research facility! The pay and benefits are too good to refuse. The downside? You are moving to this remote facility, where your research is restricted and contact with the outside world is limited and monitored. You soon learn it is 'who' (not 'what') you are researching, and you're the reason these supernatural beings are here??? None of this makes any sense. You're just a normal girl with a quirky job. You don't remember any of this! Why won't they tell you anything?!

(Love interest breakdown at the end, but contains spoilers!)

What are the triggering themes?


Assume ALL characters will die at some point.

Bad & vulgar language, adult themes, gore, extreme violence, murder, stalking, abuse, references to sex & alcohol & drugs, unhealthy romanticized behaviors, brutal deaths, blood, manipulation, gaslighting, mental illness, sexual harassments, dubious consent, unwanted groping, and more should all be expected.

Everyone learned the hard way not to ignore the warnings in Obsession. They are not a joke. You will be repeatedly beaten over the head with bundled triggers. I literally cannot figure out a way to get ya'll to take the warnings seriously. I have tried. It's your fault now.

To quote my favorite review: THIS GAME IS MORE F-CKED UP THAN YOU THINK

(It's not as bad as Obsession but that doesn't mean it's cute & fluffy.)

Ooookay... what am I safe from?

Very little. Limited/Excluded topics:

  • There are no children anywhere in this game. All characters are 20+ (except the cat... probably?).
  • No incest in the main game! (The sisters might (tbd) have group sex with the same dude(s) in the DLC but that's the closest it gets.)
  • There is no graphic or violent rape, but there is dubious consent, unwanted groping, & sexual harassment.
  • The cat may be killed at some point, but there's no other animal abuse. It'll be an instant death and not graphic (like it was in Obsession). Casper the cat may or may not be the root of all evil, so I dunno, maybe that's okay?

You sellout! You toned down the game wtf?!

If you played Obsession to the conclusion (the end of Victor's route), you'll understand that the extreme nature of Obsession was always a part of the story. Remembrance was never intended to be equally as extreme. If you didn't play Obsession to the end, play the abridged version included! You'll understand why.

The only unexpected change from the original plans are:

  • Separating out the adult content into free DLC. I did this 'cause I learned it's illegal to sell adult games in some countries. But when I learned that it was too ingrained in Obsession to separate.
  • Separating out Remembrance into a full game instead of Obsession DLC. The scope of Obsession grew wildly beyond my expectations and I expect Remembrance to be about the same or more content.

This game contains (subject to change):

  • MC customizable full name (self-insertion is not recommended)
  • The MC is now a no-nonsense confident and intelligent woman. No more cowering and painful naivety. (This change is relevant and explained in the story.)
  • Lightly voiced dialog for all love interests (in Obsession - Abridged too!)
  • CG Gallery with meta images and tons of CGs (exact count to come, more than Obsession had)
  • 6 love interests (breakdown at the end)
  • 5+ wildly different endings per character (exact count to come)
  • Side content for each love interest! Side stories, mini stories, & What If scenarios
  • Achievement screen in game!
  • [TBD] wordcount. [TBD] hours of content (at 200wpm average reading speed) [Anticipated to be similar to Obsession in length]
  • Trigger warnings are listed per route. Review them for your own good!
  • Optional free DLC for sexual content
  • Content setting to lower the graphic descriptiveness of violence (but does not eliminate it)
  • Setting to hide the choice info tips for those who want a completely blind playthrough (requested feature)
  • Settings to warn you if sexual scenes (for DLC) and/or violent CGs are upcoming for those who need a moment to prepare themselves (another requested feature)
  • Walkthroughs available in game! No struggling to figure out how to unlock a CG or side content
  • 95% of choices change the ending. Those that do not are clearly labelled (unless you choose to hide it through settings).
  • A healthy relationship with your mom & sister! (In this game? WTF?)
  • Maybe a happy ending somewhere? No promises.

What's different from Obsession?

Obsession's story was chaos by design and there wasn't much of an overarching plot. You had a lot of freedom in the story direction & routes.

Remembrance has a more linear storyline in comparison, like most traditional visual novels. There is a plot & mystery that unravels unrelated to Particles. Character routes will gradually unlock as you play and learn the story.

Unlock criteria is listed on every route & in the in-game walkthroughs.

The characters are the same but also different.

Nature vs. Nurture? What makes us who we are today? In Particles of Reality, the answer is both.

There are core factors about our personality that are constant throughout realities. "I was born this way." So for example, Alexander will always be a pervert, Quinn will always be gender-fluid. Things like that.

A curious question to consider: What traits make up the core personality and what is flexible? It's not always what you expect.

However, our upbringing also changes us during childhood. How could it not? In Obsession, Monika had an abusive & neglectful family, and that made her timid, shy, and afraid. In Remembrance, Monika had a healthy, loving family. Now, she is a confident bitch that ain't gonna put up with that shit.

But this same idea applies to all of the characters. Their goals, motivations, and values have changed to varying degrees.

And since this world is also different, the LIs are not solely interested and obsessed with you. They all have their own agendas.... you are not the center of all of their worlds anymore.

Love Interests!




Can't really explain their role in the game without sharing some details, but I encourage you to go in blind.

(In route order but subject to change.)

Alexander (he/him) - Test Subject

Sebastian's identical twin brother. He lives a hedonistic, polygamist lifestyle. You are the love of his brother's life, but it's okay. He's willing to share. Alexander's powers center around the mind.

Brandon (he/him) - Test Subject

The new 'King of Monsters', potentially the most powerful demon in the universe. Sebastian, Alexander, and Julian are all terrified of him... and don't like him very much. Brandon is extremely possessive and oddly fixated on you. Brandon's powers seem unlimited. He's the king for a reason.

Sebastian (he/him) - Test Subject

Your eternal soulmate... whether you like it or not. Sebastian will do anything for you... anything at all as long as you two can be together. He loves you more than life itself. You will be very happy together... he promises. Sebastian's powers center around shadows & night.

Quinn (they/them) - Coworker

You met briefly in college before they suddenly vanished. How strange you ended up working at the same secret government facility together... and they are your assistant. Small world, huh? 

Quinn seems... sad, nervous, and depressed. (The Ethereals observe this is very strange given their previous outgoing, party animal personality. Usually personalities don't change that much... could something be troubling them?) 

Quinn admires and respects you, but there's a lot of suspicious stuff happening around them... Is it safe to trust them?

Side note: Quinn's pronouns have changed in this reality due to their healthier, more secure upbringing.

Julian (he/him) - Test Subject

The word 'Vampire' is an inadequate term for Julian's abilities. The fangs are just a tool in the toolbox. Julian is extremely avoidant of you... It almost seems like he's afraid of something. It seems like he knows a lot more about what's going on, but he won't tell you. ... Or can't? And.... why is he always arguing with himself? Julian has a variety of powers... especially when it comes to seduction.

Victor (he/him) - CEO

Your boss. Victor runs this secret facility and he hired you for a very specific job. You have a lot of morally questionable freedom to accomplish your goal. But how did Victor obtain these prisoners, what is his relationship to them, and why is he so secretive with information?

Side Characters~

Isabella (she/her) - The head of R&D and Engineering. She's a beautiful genius with zero tolerance for bullshit and a lot of power around the facility.

Vanessa (she/her) - Your sister! You managed to get her a job here, too. She's a researcher.

Gabriella (she/her) - Your liaison for the job & facility. A friendly older lady that handles a lot of the admin stuff around the facility.


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Can't wait! I played obsession and it was CRAZY. this one sounds toned down but just as interesting!