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I loved the first game so much and cant wait to try this one, 

however there are several changes that kind of bothered me, most notably the way this game was toned down, (i actually didn't find the first game to be too much disturbing for me, so i really enjoyed it, maybe because I've seen some darker games)

Then the fact that Brandon was not her sibling, idk i think they worked well as siblings and he was my favorite after Quinn , but i can understand this is a different reality after all.

 But speaking of Quinn...the prounoun change was the worst thing to happen here, genuinely i wish if you could have an option for us to use his prounouns like in the first game, i truly cannot enjoy a route where the chatacter is referred to as a "they/them", i skip these routes usually. But i love Quinn and i hope you could find something to help with this situation:(

All that said, thank you for your time and energy in these games, your work is great <3


In Obsession, I had someone once request that I make the MC’s gender flexible, which is a common self-insert VN option. I said no specifically because of two reasons:

Primarily because #1 - It was relevant to the plot. Making MC male meant Brandon’s route had to be completely rewritten.

(Secondarily #2 - It was cost prohibitive due to art. Every CG and the MC’s sprite would need to be redone, and the budget for Obsession was very limited.)

It had absolutely nothing to do with politics or LGBT stances or anything like that. (If I had the finances, I still wouldn’t have done it because of Reason #1.)

The plot is my priority as the writer and creator.

I say all that to reinforce the following point:

In Obsession, Quinn accepted (Note: NOT embraced, accepted) any pronouns because of the plot. (And I stuck with ‘he’ to be consistent to avoid player confusion.)

Quinn was bisexual and gender-fluid in Obsession (and still is in Remembrance), but because of Quinn’s upbringing, he struggled with that part of himself and never really figured out what he specifically wanted.

That is no longer true in Remembrance because Quinn’s upbringing has changed. Quinn is now more secure in THEIR gender identity and has made a firm decision that they prefer neutral pronouns in this reality.

(Although not yet obvious why in the limited demo content…) This fact is relevant to the plot in Remembrance and the over-arching narrative about how these worlds are developing (in the same way MC’s female gender was relevant to Obsession).

So again, the answer is no. I will not be changing this (or any) aspect of a character that is relevant to the plot of the story. This was a decision that was made before this game began development.

And as I’ve said from the start of this series, there are many aspects of these games that are not to the tastes of all audiences, so if a player wishes to avoid the game, the series, or a particular route for any reason, that’s fine.

I will say I find it absolutely crazy that we live in an age where someone would avoid the route of a character they already like over such a tiny language change.

At they very least, I can point to the programming and writing effort it would be to keep track of the pronouns, develop the gui option, modify the script, and test an effort to even make this an option. I would rather - and I think my patreons would agree - spend those hours developing content for the game. That alone is enough of a reason.

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Hello, i thank you for your reply.

I will just reply to the last part you mentioned, it's not that crazy really to have people avoid a route or a story because of that sort of change, because not only is English not my first language and throughout my years studying it and reading as much as i can, never was there a THEY sort of character, second, my culture also does not include this sort of beliefs that you have, it's male and female nothing more, our language doesn't even support a 3rd option and neither does the English language. So no, it's not that weird to note that not everyone on the planet support a recent ideology that only emerged in the west. Most other places don't even have this issue, thankfully my country is one of those. So regardless, if i get the new game, i will be skipping Quinn's route because i refuse to decrease from my beliefs and language skills simultaneously. Good day.


girl it’s a freaking pronoun, it’s not gonna jump out the screen and bite you tf 😃😃 this is a game that contains abuse, incest and violence and unless that’s part of your culture I don’t see you crying about it, pronouns should be the least of your worries if this is about a belief system 


Thanks for not making Brandon related in this one, let's gooo


I just want it on the public record that Brandon and the MC are no longer related for PLOT reasons that are relevant to the over-arching narrative of the multiple realities.

This was NOT a change that was made with the sole goal to ‘tone down’ the game or appeal to any specific or broader player base. It’s all significant to the narrative.

I have no issue with and make no apologies for incestual content in Obsession. :)

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Just finished the Demo and I am BEYOND EXCITED FOR THIS GAME! 

I loved PoR: Obsession so much that I've replayed it around 5 times by now, I can't wait to find out the truth about all of these unique characters :D


Have you/will you be doing a KS for this game?


Nope, dev is exclusively on Pateron.

Good to know. Thanks!


Can't wait! I played obsession and it was CRAZY. this one sounds toned down but just as interesting!